"It is the human foreignness to the world of the commodity that pursues the YoungGirl endlessly and comprises the supreme threat to her, a “threat which, factively, is not at all incompatible with total security and the total absence of need in terms of everyday worry.” (Heidegger) This anguish which is the the fundamental mode of existence for those who can no longer really inhabit their world, is the central universal hidden truth of the era of the YoungGirl, and of the YoungGirl herself; hidden because it is most often shut away at home, far from all gazing eyes, that she does her endless sobbing. As she chews away at her nothingness, this anguish is just another word for the solitude, silence, and dissimulation which comprise the YoungGirl’s metaphysical condition, which she has such a hard time coming to grips with.
The raging hunger for amusement that the YoungGirl and all other Blooms have is rooted in anguish.
One second the YoungGirl is naked/bare life, and the next she’s dressed-up death. In fact, the YoungGirl is what holds them both together constantly..."