"I am twenty eight and a half years old. I make dances and have been since I was five years old. It was serious then and it is serious now. My friend, Addys Gonzalez, and I have been digging at the idea of collaboration for a decade now. He has been in every dance. He has had every conversation. We will be essentially moving into Bodega for the month of January. My living space, the way I fold the towels, how I design the spice shelf, my cabinet of mismatched yet curated cups, this is my work. Dear Dad, you are turning me into a protester, and Dear Mom, I hate the world so much it is making me queer."Throughout the month of January, Bodega is happy to present Judas on Breath, a group of three events by Jen Rosenblit.
Jan 14, 7pm Saturday: In-Mouth
Jan 22, 1pm Sunday: When We Eat The Way We Do It
Jan 28, 7pm Saturday: When Them