I must seem like a real techie I said. Actually, I felt like one.
If I was a bra manufacturer, he said, I would use your breasts to format bras from.
I'm texting this girl I have to meet in the morning for a rideshare, I said, and I have to set my alarm. Speaking of alarm, there was bit of light in the sky already! Maybe I would just stay up until it was time to leave...
They're uncomplicated, he said, a good, simple shape.
Ha ha, I said, yeah, well... He dropped one breast and moved on to the other. Hey Joyce! I wrote, can you meet @ Sunset and Echo Park? Thanks! Sent. He was snoozing now with his eyes open, spooky but also cute. Boys fall asleep best with a boob in hand. Goodnight sweetie, I said. Sweetie? Hey, why not? Patting his hair, I disengaged his hand. Then I got off the couch and checked my email.